Meet Mary
Mary, is a beautiful girl that we rescued from the pound. She was heavily pregnant and gave birth two days after being rescued. She had 10 puppies puppies but sadly we lost one of them. She gave birth on Christmas Day and did absolutely amazing!
Mary’s puppies are now 4 weeks old and she’s been an awesome mum. After a bit of a rocky start, she soon took to motherhood and has kept them all well fed despite being drastically under weight herself. She’s currently got constant access to food and is eating a lot more then she would usually, but due to feeding so many chunky puppies she’s struggling to gain weight but now they are weaning we are hoping that her body can concentrate on replenishing itself rather than just using calories to make milk.
Mary is excellent with children, she seeks them out got comfort and really loves being around them. She’s great with people but has been a little growly to one man that she met, this was because she was worried and she wasn’t aggressive in the slightest she just cowered away and growled a little but with lots of treats and fuss she came around quickly.
She can flinch if you move too fast and doesn’t like raised voices so we assume that she has had a bad experience, but she’s learning that not all people are bad. She’s clean in the house but you need to make sure she is let out every couple of hours and are quick enough to open the door other wise she does tend to have accidents close to the door way.
We believe Mary is no older then 2 years old but we don’t have an exact age or date of birth. She’s currently undergoing more dog tests, but so far so good with gradual introductions. This has been limited due to her having puppies, but over the next few weeks we will know more about what she’s like with other dogs. We would love for her to go to a home where she’s going to receive a lot of attention so preferably a pet free home.
If you can give this beautiful girl a home where she’s going to receive attention and love then you can apply via the link below.
Currently located in Lincoln.
Please note that we are community based, meaning our animals can be located anywhere in the country with our fosters. Please ensure you are able to travel to the animals location to meet them.