Stella, this little cutie come to us at the beginning of 2024 with a broken leg which had been left for a number of days by the previous owner so she had to unfortunately have it amputated she went off to recover with her foster family who literally felt head-over heels with her so they decided she would become a failed foster and would be staying with them indefinitely and she is now living her best life as a tripod pup. Heres a little snap of her and her big brother enjoying the garden.

Ebony, this gorgeous girl has come so far she looks absolutely amazing! When she come into rescue she had a head tilt and after some medical investigation we suspected she had been physically hurt causing a lesion to the brain we got her to the point where her head tilt had improved so much so it was barely noticeable. Ebs is doing amazing in her new home with her new family and we can’t wait to see her thrive even more.

Gabe, is absolutely thriving in his new home with his new family. His grown so much over the last few months and has turned out to be an all round good boy!

Delboy, come into us with his four siblings all of which had cleft lip and palates and was hand reared by one of the team. He then went to stay with Nic where she kept him going and sorted out his skin which was in a bad way due to allergies. He is now doing fantastic in his new home. He now has a new name (Eddie) and is living his life to the fullest with his new family.

Dennis, come to us due to having a cleft lip and was quiet poorly but he bounced back and earn the renowned name Dennis the menace. He is now in his forever home where he is living his best life with lots of walkies with all his friends.

Hector, come to us due to being born with no anus. He had an operation at 2.5 weeks old to make one for him but unfortunately that operation failed and his anus sealed up again. WE had two options PTS or try another operation there was no way we was going to give up on him so we opted for another operation which worked well, we then had to try and get him onto some form of food that wouldn’t effect him and also help him put on weight which we managed to do and he is now living his best life with his family and other fur-siblings.

Victor, come to us as he was having trouble eating this was due to a condition Mega Esophagus which means the pipe that takes food from the mouth to the stomach is too big. It leaves food pooling into the throat which can cause regurgitation. He went into remission which was fantastic news he was weaned off his medication and started eating normally he put on weight and then we found him his forever home where he now doing amazing!

Nigel Toebeans, come to us due to him having Cerabella Hydroplasia which is a disease that denotes an inadequate development of the cerebellum a section of the brainstem largely responsible for modulating motor impulses therefore fails to move normally, so isn’t able to maintain balance or posture properly and his coordination doesn’t work how a normal dogs would. We believed Nigel would be a long term medical foster who would stay with Nic (co-owner) of the rescue for life but one day we had someone come forward who was willing to give him a chance and we couldn’t pass up the chance of him living a life with a loving home so he was then adopted to an amazing family who love him very much. He is going to be starting his hydrotherapy soon which will hopefully help him which we are overjoyed about.

Angel, come into rescue along with her whole litter at just a few weeks old as their mum become unwell and couldn’t feed them anymore so we took them in and hand reared them ourselves. Angel then went off to her foster to work on her socialising and getting used to living in a family environment and exposed to outside environments and she stayed their until she was adopted by a lovely couple who absolutely dote on her.

Angelica, is a German Shepard cross Swiss Shepard that came into rescue at a few days old with her sister who sadly passed away. Angelica has a cleft lip, visual impairment and neurological issues. Jelly has now far exceeded everybody's expectations and is thriving in life she loves nothing more then going to the fields and jumping through the long grass with her siblings.

Walter, came in as a newborn pup due to be PTS because of his cleft. He started our love of clefties he is now a 2 year old strapping lad.

Trio, came into the rescue at 6 months old and is a platinum large rope frenchie. He had just had his leg amputated due to a bad fracture. As you can see he is loving life in his new home and doesn’t let having 3 legs hold him back.

Buddha, come to us from the pound and was at risk of being PTS. Not all of the dogs we take in have health issues. Buddha had a lot of guarding issues and was under socialised. We truly thought he would be with us forever after having him for 2 years! A miracle happened and the perfect home came along with no children or other pets and just like that Buddha is like a brand new dog.

Little Jeff, came into rescue at just 9 weeks old. Jeff is a poochon with a cleft palate, he requires quiet a bit of grooming but is such a playful cute happy little chap. He went off to his family at 4 months old and will soon be 3 at the end of July 2024. He is so happy and healthy and lives his best life with his other rescue sister Rosie the schnauzer who is listed somewhere below.

Sophie, came into rescue as a puppy with Mega Oesophagus. This is where her oesophagus doesn’t work as its suppose to and food can’t reach the stomach. We had to train her to eat in a special bailey chair and it was touch and go trying to get her to eat successfully. Despite several vets saying to PTS but she continued to flourish and is now a happy fully grown happy and healthy Dalmatian but she still uses her chair to eat.

Mabel, here is a little update from Mabel’s family- Mabel will be 2 on the 13th July. She’s still the princess she’s always been. Small in size but has a huge personality to make up for it. She’s now found her confidence to grow she also has 9 fur-cousins currently! And has also found her love and obsession with long grass and rabbit poo! I wanted to thanks breeds in need for allowing me to adopt Mabel 2 years ago. She is the most loving and caring individual. She looks our for her big brother Teddy and helps to comfort our new addition 14 year old yorkshire terrier.

Winnie, come to us due to a cleft palate, she is now in her forever home heres a little something from her new fur-mum: We have had Winnie for 6 months now and love her so much. She copes so well with her cleft palate. She’s an absolute beauty and completes our family.

Oscar, was a handsome American Bulldog who was adopted from us 10 years ago! His family describe him as a loveable loony sadly Oscar passed over the rainbow bridge but will always be part of the BIN family!

Teddy, come to us with a broken elbow he was such a tiny little pup. His now living his best life with his new family and his favourite human is the toddler they have become double trouble.

Teddy & Roo, was both adopted in 2021 heres a little bit from their new family. We adopted them both unfortunately Teddy (left) passed away after 18 wonderful months with us, we got so much help from Sally and the team it took Roo (right) a bit of time to adapt from missing his brother but what a wonderful loving dog he is for my children and our family. Thank you very much for allowing us to care for them both.

Rest peacefully sweet teddy he will always be a big part of the BIN family even from over the rainbow bridge.

Coco, come to us heavily pregnant after having her first season so still a puppy herself! She gave birth with us to healthy pups. She was very skinny and was in a bad way we rehabilitated her and found her a forever home. Heres a little something from her new fur-mum about how shes getting on: My lovely coco has come such a long way she’s such a character full of sass, loves cuddles we have had her for 7 months now and we would be lost without her.

Loki, when he come to us at 14 weeks old he was called Earl he come to us due to his previous owners ill health. He is now with his forever family and as you can tell his living it to fullest!

Lenny, found his forever home it’s one of the best here’s a little from his new family: We welcomed Lenny, the love bug into our lives in April and we could not imagine our lives without him. The support and care provided by Breeds In Need throughout the adoption process was exceptional. From the dedicated foster carers to the seamless adoption process. We couldn’t ne happier with our experience. Lenny has brought us immense joy, and we are grateful to have found him through Breeds In Need. We highly recommend this organisation to anyone looking to add a furry companion to their home. Thank you for all that you do for the animals in need. Lenny has brought so much joy to our lives and we can’t imagine without him. Picture of Lenny enjoying his first holiday.

Rambo, who now goes by the name Milo went to his forever home with a lovely family. Rambo was one of the 10 puppies we took in due to them being dumped at 2 weeks old in a woodlands area. He along with his siblings was hand reared by a few groups of people and then relinquished over to us to find him and his siblings forever homes which we have. He will be very loved and we will update this success story as he grows.

Yeti, went to his forever home with a lovely family yeti was one of the 10 puppies we took in due to them being dumped at 2 weeks old in a woodlands area. He along with his siblings was hand reared by a few groups of people and then relinquished over to us to find him and his siblings forever homes which we have. He will be very loved and have lots of fun with his new big brother Fredo we will update this success story as he grows.