Relinquishing a dog.

What does relinquishing a dog mean? It means to give up a dog you can no longer care for.

Relinquishing your dog is a hard decision to make. Sometimes people find themselves in a situation where they either feel or have no other option. We understand that sometimes unfortunately some owners decide they can no longer keep their dog this can be for numerous reasons such as financial reasons or behavioural problems.

What to consider when relinquishing your dog.

Are you relinquishing your dog because you’ve had them for a couple of weeks and they haven’t yet settled into a home environment? Did you know it takes a dog up to 2-3 weeks to settle in a new home but it can also take some dogs up to 3 months to full adjust behaviourally.

Are you relinquishing your dog due to behavioural reasons?

If so have you considered reaching out to a professional dog trainer? If you are having behavioural problems with your dog and aren’t sure who or how to get into contact with a professional dog trainer or behaviourist please feel free to reach out to us via email for some reliable contact information of highly recommended dog trainers.

If you have read the above information and still feel as if you have no other choice but to relinquish your dog please contact us via email which is linked below.